Saturday, June 4, 2016


Exclusive UYAI: 4 TIPS TO AVOID SEXUAL ABUSE OF A CHILD.: May 27 of every year is set aside to celebrate children all over Nigeria. On this day every year, its a holiday for children as several...


May 27 of every year is set aside to celebrate children all over Nigeria.
On this day every year, its a holiday for children as several social activities are centred on and for them.Most children converge at stadiums and centres to commemorate the  day.

It is also a habit of some government officials and media organisations to honour some children with leadership opportunities and awards. Some radio and TV stations do this by featuring child broadcasters on air and letting them anchor their programmes for the early part of the day and are being interviewed.

On this day I was watching a program on one of the television stations and stumbled on an interview where a young girl of 14 year old was talking about child abuse and it was centered on child rape cases.
I went down memory lane when I was a young girl of 7 and we, that is my family were living with my Uncle as we yet to secure accommodation in Lagos.
I was the most senior of my siblings, I had a brother and two sisters with my mother and father. The compound we lived in was a three storey building and there was the servant's quarters or would you call it Boy's quarters.
We had enough space to play around as we loved playing hide and seek.
There was a Man living at the boys quarters, I don't know if he was related to us or he was one of the help in the compound. I can still remember his name which was Aniekan and any time he saw me, he always refereed to me as his wife, which made me blush and will tell him that I was not his wife.

One of those days when I and my siblings were playing the hide and seek game, I ran and hid behind one of the doors in the servant's quarters, praying I won't be discovered. When suddenly this Aniekan Man appeared in the room and as innocent as I was;I hushed him not to talk to me so that I won't be discovered but he had other plans.

He started towards me and pulled me to himself, I was struggling with him and told him that he wants them to catch me, not knowing he was trying to have his way with me,he suddenly put his hands under my skirt that's when it dawned on me that this was something else, I didn't think and started screaming he covered my mouth with his palms and begged me not to scream again that he won't harm me,but my siblings had already heard me scream and they ran in there shouting, "we catch you" oblivious of what almost happened to me and we all ran out of that room.

After that incident, I knew that I was not to go near that area again else something bad might happen to me. And the kind of child I was, I never told anyone about it till date. Luckily for me Aniekan never tried anything with me again and even calling me wife had ended.

So many young girls are not as lucky as I was.


1. Parents should be close to their daughters so that if they are faced with such a thing can can tell them immediately a man tries anything funny.
2. parents teach your children sex education at an early age, let them be aware of the differences.

3. Parents should be aware that the people that abuse children are not strangers but close people around,such as relatives, neighbors, friends etc.

 4. Avoid using Male housekeepers in a home with young girls, you see some families prefer their househelps to be males because they don't want the house help to have an affair with the oga but which is better, for your daughter to be sexually abused, raped?