Thursday, December 17, 2015


It is a miracle, i mean  the miracle  of giving life to a baby. The mother carries the baby in her womb for 9months and in those months of waiting, she experiences a whole lot things which are yeah, explainable.  During the first trimester, for example to help some Naija women cope with the nauseatic feeling they would put Bitter Kola in their mouths not chewing it but just the flavours helps to a great extent.
what about the cravings that accompanies pregnancy, imagine the weird cravings you get, such as eating clay the Igbos call it Nzu, the Ibibios call it Ndom, some even go to the length of carrying it in their handbags,OMG!
The second trimester brings a sigh of relief to many, morning sickness and other symptoms gradually cease, and then  getting to feel those little kicks which makes the mother so excited and you find yourself looking forward for another kick, to share it with your spouse or older child.
The last lap makes you so heavy and at the same time so energetic in preparation for the MEETING or should i say the arrival of the bundle of joy. No experience in the world comes close to bringing a new life to the world  but some dread it because of the not so enjoyabble experience, some are bedridden till they put to birth, while some develop all types of conditions so unfavourable but in all it is  a journey worth travelling for all women. I salute every Mother and pray for those that are yet to go through this experience.

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