Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Ø  I am sure you have heard of people breaking up with people by text messages, which I think is a bad idea. But the main thing is proposing by text message. That is a big no for me. Proposing by text message??
I mean is this man out of his senses. Even if the man does not have the money to take the woman to an expensive restaurant. That should not be an issue. The main point is that the proposal should be done face to face. Sending a proposal by text, in my opinion, tells me how little the man values the woman or that he didn’t take time to think about the proposal and if I may be so bold to add, that he is a coward.
Ø  Never put a woman down, just because she has done something that a man should have done.
An example, if both a man and a woman are going somewhere in a car and the car happened to have a flat tire and the woman decides to change the tire instead of waiting for the mechanic, then let her. The man should not bash her or insult her or say something like “I don’t want a man” as if to say God made a mistake in her identity.
Ø  Another thing a man should not do to a woman is insult her. some men cannot take it if a woman he is wooing refuses, before you kow it he tells her so many hurtful things such as; that she should be happy that he is telling her that he loves her, and that there are other women that would love to hear that.
First of all, we as human beings are not all the same, so just because a particular   woman is not interested or does not fall head over heels for a man when words of love is spoken by the man, should not attract insult from the man.
Ø  Never use the woman as a money vending machine.
You might ask is that possible? Well the answer is yes. Back in the days when girls were girls; a friend of mine who was very young and naïve fell prey to this guy, he was fully employed and earning income then my girl who is merely a student. This guy used every tactics in the book get money from her, and she some many times had to borrow from friends to satisfy the gold digging Bf.
Ø  Never tell the woman you are wooing or in a relationship with that you dated a beauty queen or about your sexual conquest with other women.
You should appreciate her for who and how she is, a big NO to comparism of physical, emotional characteristics.

I would like to recommend the books by Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages, The Five Love Language (Singles edition) and Love is a Verb. You can also research online for his other books in the “love language series”

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