Tuesday, March 29, 2016


A toxic relationship is a relationship characterized by a behaviour of a toxic partner
that are emotionally and, not infrequently, physically damaging to their partner. 

A toxic relationship damages self-esteem and drains energy. A toxic relationship, is not a safe place. Characteristics of a toxic relationship is feeling of insecurity, self-centeredness, dominance, control. You are at risk at being or staying in such a relationship. 

Worthy of note is that a toxic relationship is between two people, there is the victim and the toxic personality. A toxic relationship cuts across abusive boyfriend or girlfriend, spouses, coworkers and also amongst family members.
A toxic personality is one who engages in
inappropriate controlling and manipulative behaviors on regular basis.

What happens if the toxic personality is your beloved mother?
She portrays you to others around, such as relatives or friends as being ungrateful, frustrated, troubled person who looks for whom to blame for how your life turned out, or she voices out details of what you might have told her to relatives, belittling you and making you feel drained, unfulfilled, not feeling good about yourself or regret having her in your life.

Some toxic mothers are just abusive as they picked up such habit along the way, maybe through hard life experiences or just learned responses. 


1. The first and most important step is the acceptance of who your mother is, you cannot choose who your mother is, or can you?

2. Set boundaries. Let your goal be on self control. Instead of being on the defensive or trying to attack her with words which would only lead to argument and accusations. Let her know your feelings in simply and short sentences, such as "this works best for me" or " please let it go", am not saying she will accept your feelings immediately but she gets the message you are sending which is you don't accept any longer the way she treats you or makes you feel. 
You do not need to abuse your mother, the Holy Book says to 'honour your parents'. You just stand your ground on what you want, having at the back of your mind that you are an adult not a child. Though you will always wish for and grieve a relationship you wished you shared with your mother.

3. Mothers do have a great effect on their children especially during disagreement. If the toxic relationship between you and your mother affects your health,my dear its high time to really think hard about the situation and find a lasting solution. Developing high blood pressure isn't a child's play as it could lead to life threatening situations. That's when you need to seek help from God, seek counsel from Men of God, you can also seek professional help from a psychologist.
I came across this Mark Tyrrell's Therapy Techniques, you could check it out, find out what solution will work for you.


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