Monday, April 4, 2016


Getting  flabbier and  saggy was a thought associated with the process of ageing but in this day and age the ladies in the spot light have proved that to be wrong. Instead beauty comes with aging and so many of them are aging beautifully.

Bukky Wright who is in her 50s, but who can tell.She has flawless skin and She is an actress one can say is  really aging gracefully. She told Encomium Magazine that she uses African Shea butter on her skin, she uses it as body butter.
she also revealed another beauty regime; " I do have facials, but I’ll tell you something, I like to do them myself. I’ve discovered what works for me and I don’t want to go for a facial and some one puts something on my face that will ruin it. One thing I do is something called oil and honey therapy. Its red oil (epo or palm oil) mixed with honey and a little lime. I rub it on my skin for ten to twenty minutes and then shower, come out glowing. Also, at other times, I add a little St. Ives Scrub to the oil and honey mixture and use to scrub my face. Before this I use a hot damp towel to open the pores. Then I scrub, wash off, dab the face and use an icy cold towel on my face to help close the pores again".

 Ireti Doyle is in her late 40s, here we have a beautiful and  youthful lady who doesn't seem to age as the years go by, you would  wonder what is the secret behind it but she owes it all to God.

Omosexy for short as she is popularly called, is one of the finest face in Nollywood, she took to her social media pages on her secret to her youthfulness.
Here's what she said:

"asking how I keep my skin glow. 1. I drink a lot
of water 2. When I fall asleep , I really sleep 3. I drink a
lot of fresh fruit juice 4. I only use baby lotions and
moisturizers ( my mum's secret) 5. Peace of mind ...
hope at least one tip helps..." she posted.

Another ageless beauty on our list is Rita Dominic who is in her late 30s,
In a brief chat with Sunday Express, Rita said the secret of
her new look was her spa treatment which she uses to pamper herself. “I make sure
that I get to the spa for some ‘me alone’ time. I also
exercise almost every day to deal with stress.
I go to the spa to pamper myself. I believe in massages and
therapeutic body treatment to remove the toxins in my

So ladies, you don't have to wait till your 30s to start looking after your appearance, skin, face, dressing and otherwise. When you look good, you will definitely feel good thereby boosting your self confidence. Chao!

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