Tuesday, January 19, 2016


A visitor to the FCT may experience what I just did. If it is your first time in Abuja and you don't have any one to give you directions or tell you how much the cab fare is, just get ready to spend all your money on transportation to your destination. Unsuspecting visitors fall prey to this such of situation in Abuja.
 Standing at Uye bus stop  looking for a cab to take me to Shoprite at Apo. I asked the first cab, a dark-skinned man, possibly  in his 30s, he said Menini! speaking in Hausa  as if I understood  what that meant. I replied  Apo, he blurted  out three Thousand , e far like that, was what I could reply as he zoomed off,in search of another passenger.
I stood there for like 20 minutes  still trying to get a cab.Finally I got tired and frustrated  and decided to go with the next cab that stops  for me, suddenly  a cab approaches  me, the driver of the cab waves his hand at me, pointing at a position adjacent the road I stood, I just guessed  that meant my destination,and I asked how much for Apo? I didn't wait to banter  the fare with him, I just opened  the cab door and practically jumped in so that he won't have any reason not to pick me,as he sped away.
The road was free not the usual traffic holdup peculiar  to Lagos, though the it was busy but no traffic jam.
The sight was delightful to the eyes, as I passed luxurious  buildings in choice  places, business premises as well as hotels which all smelt big buck, what can I say,Abuja is a very beautiful  place.
Almost at my destination, the cab driver asked for the exact place I was going to in Apo, I told him family Christian Center, at least that is what I was told to say as its easier  to locate my destination  that way.
The cab pulled  up at my destination, I asked the cab man how much I was to pay him, he said 3000naira, I told him I couldn't  pay that amount  of money for such a short  distance. He started speaking  his language (mother tongue)I didn't  understand  a word of what he said, but thank God he could communicate  with me. Finally, we came to an agreement  and I paid 1500,whoof, at least, ok right?

 Hints on how to  survive  the Abuja Transportation fare hike.
* Be smart
* Wake up early to avoid the early morning  rush.
* Don't act like a stranger
* Call whoever  you are visiting  to give you  directions  and tell you how much it cost to get there.
* Consider jumping bus/cab or unless you can afford it, go for the cab;you will arrive your  destination in record time.

Friday, January 8, 2016




Exclusive UYAI: THE IBOM PLAZA: HOT SPOT?: As I sat in a two storey building adjacent the plaza in Uyo Metropolis, which houses businesses of all sort, ranging from sales of pho...


As I sat in a two storey building adjacent the plaza in Uyo Metropolis, which houses businesses of all sort, ranging from sales of phones and accessories to repairs of phones, tabs, computers, Longrich distributor, startimes, etc. While waiting to get my tab fixed by a phone technician, I sat close to a window because the room was not well ventilated, many people were also trying to do one thing or the other, so I looked out the window and the sight that met my eyes was so fascinating.

From where I sat I could view everything happening below. The hustle and bustle at Ibom Plaza makes that spot so intriguing.

People are seen doing different things, Some are reading newspapers which are on display on the pavement, you pay a token to read the newspapers, though I can't tell how much because I didn't ask, there are also analysing the news, giving one comment or the other. I wonder how they manage without a fight breaking out as there are differences in views and opinions.

Photographers beckon on passersby to take a shot as if it were free, hawkers hawking their wares, some just display their wares on the pavement and just sit there beckoning on passersby to buy from them, children hawking sacheter(pure water) and all sorts of things.

The Ibom plaza is the most lively place in Uyo metropolis.In the evenings, the Ibom plaza is a place to behold, the water fountain and the lighting all give a pleasing sight within the Ibom plaza, there are bars/drinking parlours, restaurants and a great sit out for lovers to hangout, little meetings even take place here.

If you are a visitor to Uyo the capital of Akwa Ibom state and you have not been to the plaza or passed by then you need to pay it a visit, or you are just up for sightseeing, don't you think Ibom plaza is worthy of mention amongst those places?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tips on actualising your New Year Resolution

Tips on actualising your New Year Resolution

A new year resolution is a promise or vow one makes to himself to achieve an aim and mostly done during a beginning of a new year. Its a time one sits down and reflect on your past and how and where to adjust.

Some new year resolutions could be quitting a negative habit such as smoking, cutting down on late night partying etc, bring idle.

A new year resolution does not necessarily mean trying to quit a negative habit, it could also be learning a trade, or advancing one's educational pursuit, eating healthy,losing a few pounds etc.

  1.  Write down your new year's resolutions on a your diary or calendar, some people write on sticker papers and stick it where will be visible. You could paste it on your bedside etc.
  2. Work towards it.If you intend to quit smoking for example, avoid things or places that bring on the urge. You can even avoid those of your friends that are smokers, just for a while ooo.
  3. Stop procrastinating - Procrastination is the greatest obstacle that hinders people from actualising their goals, when you keep postponing what you would have done today for later.If you have the intention of furthering your education, you have to first of all make enquiries then purchasing of the forms for the school you intend to enrol.Don't wait.

My believe is that, you should start whatever you want to achieve from the very first day of the new year. A to-do list will help you actualise your goals. If you have a better way of actualising your new year's resolution, please send to us.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

5 steps to get your chicken defeathered like a Pro.

Chicken, its only palatable for some people after it has been cooked and ready to be eaten but the process of getting to that stage is what so many cannot stand, moi for example.

This Christmas was the first time I have actually stood to watch the process, I have always ran far far away when its time for killing of the chicken but this Christmas I don't know where I got the courage to watch it..

 My kids decided that they'd rather visit grandma for the Christmas than what I had planned for them.

Grateful for that, after the Christmas service at the church we headed for our hometown which is just a 20 minute drive.

On arrival, after exchanging of pleasantries with relatives, my usual self I went to the kitchen, there was no one there, so I decided to check the backyard, OMG the slaughtering of the Christmas Chicken. Thank God I didn't meat the squeaking  and feather flapping of the chicken as it struggled to free tself.
 Even though I came after the neck had been cut off, that means I missed the scariest part or should I say the part that scares me, but at least you will still know how to get the defeathered chicken found in cold rooms,when we go to buy frozen chicken..winks.

Things needed:
Big Basin
Hot water(boiling point)
Sharp knife
Chopping wood(ajiok)
Plantain leaves or whatever you can to place on the ground against blood spills.

Step1: Missed that.Thank God
Step 2: put the beheaded chicken in hot water

Step 3: After like 2-3 minutes, start plucking the feathers off the chicken. The hot water is to make the feathers come off easily. Be fast about it, and it depends on the breed of the chicken.The skin of the chicken might start coming off, so its best you remove the chicken from the hot water and defeather.

Step 4: place the defeather chicken on the plaintain leaves or whatever you have that will not allow blood to stain the floor.

Tada! You get your chicken but its not finished. Now to the part for those with experience. 
Step 5: cut out the two legs, starting at the tight, oh OK drumsticks . cut it out like in the photo below.
Be careful here, there is something inside the chicken that is bitter, not bitter Like bitter leaf but worse if it breaks. The whole chicken will be affected and that means nobody can eat the chicken even if you wash with all the water in the world, or maybe am yet to hear of a way to get such bitter taste off.

That's it, remove the intestine paying attention to the greenish thing very close to the intestine. After removing it slowly, you can isolate it and finish the cutting of the chicken before attending to that part.

Now the question is do you prefer getting a live chicken or getting frozen chicken? You can send in your answers to uyailady@gmail.com or use the comment space provided.

Friday, January 1, 2016


New Year celebrations is for people of all faiths and religious creeds, because it is a celebration of life and gratitude for being alive to witness a new year.

Christians as well as Muslims alike all celebrate New Year, even though the form and manner of celebrations differ from religion to religion, culture to culture.Whatever the style its just a celebration and show of gratitude to the Almighty.The Christians attend a service in Church to usher in the New Year amidst prayers, singing and jubilation.

In Nigeria, people travel from the cities back to their villages to celebrate New Year with grandparents and relatives. Celebrating Christmas and New Year in villages with one’s extended families and folks is a Nigerian thing, and this involves a lot of preparations and spending.

People travel back to villages to see their older folks, and those in villages come to cities to see their brothers and sisters and to enjoy the season in the city. People also buy new clothes or sew new ones to reflect a new appearance; while individual homes and streets get decorated with ribbons and lighted Christmas trees and all sorts of colourful lights.

During the New Year celebrations, youths light fireworks or as we call it “bangers” in the spirit of celebrations,and in Nigeria for example, State Government and Corporate bodies as well as individuals organize carnival parties that might last from a day to a couple of days.

The Calabar Carnival which is organised by the Cross River State government, the Dakkada Unity Festival put together by one of the sons of the soil Nature Udoh, to bring fun and enjoyment to Akwa Ibomites.The carnivals take the form of street processions and dancing to parties and music

The Christmas and New Year celebrations would not be complete without food.Almost all families slaughter goats, sheep, ram, chicken or turkey to make the best of pounded yam, jollof rice, fried rice, vegetable salad, local soups and all types of delicacies. And there is free flow of beer, palm wine, exotic wines, locally brewed drinks, and fruit juices among others.

After the the service to thank God for allowing us witness the new year, some families take their families out to eateries or for sight seeing or return home to eat home cooked meals.