Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tips on actualising your New Year Resolution

Tips on actualising your New Year Resolution

A new year resolution is a promise or vow one makes to himself to achieve an aim and mostly done during a beginning of a new year. Its a time one sits down and reflect on your past and how and where to adjust.

Some new year resolutions could be quitting a negative habit such as smoking, cutting down on late night partying etc, bring idle.

A new year resolution does not necessarily mean trying to quit a negative habit, it could also be learning a trade, or advancing one's educational pursuit, eating healthy,losing a few pounds etc.

  1.  Write down your new year's resolutions on a your diary or calendar, some people write on sticker papers and stick it where will be visible. You could paste it on your bedside etc.
  2. Work towards it.If you intend to quit smoking for example, avoid things or places that bring on the urge. You can even avoid those of your friends that are smokers, just for a while ooo.
  3. Stop procrastinating - Procrastination is the greatest obstacle that hinders people from actualising their goals, when you keep postponing what you would have done today for later.If you have the intention of furthering your education, you have to first of all make enquiries then purchasing of the forms for the school you intend to enrol.Don't wait.

My believe is that, you should start whatever you want to achieve from the very first day of the new year. A to-do list will help you actualise your goals. If you have a better way of actualising your new year's resolution, please send to us.

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