Friday, January 8, 2016


As I sat in a two storey building adjacent the plaza in Uyo Metropolis, which houses businesses of all sort, ranging from sales of phones and accessories to repairs of phones, tabs, computers, Longrich distributor, startimes, etc. While waiting to get my tab fixed by a phone technician, I sat close to a window because the room was not well ventilated, many people were also trying to do one thing or the other, so I looked out the window and the sight that met my eyes was so fascinating.

From where I sat I could view everything happening below. The hustle and bustle at Ibom Plaza makes that spot so intriguing.

People are seen doing different things, Some are reading newspapers which are on display on the pavement, you pay a token to read the newspapers, though I can't tell how much because I didn't ask, there are also analysing the news, giving one comment or the other. I wonder how they manage without a fight breaking out as there are differences in views and opinions.

Photographers beckon on passersby to take a shot as if it were free, hawkers hawking their wares, some just display their wares on the pavement and just sit there beckoning on passersby to buy from them, children hawking sacheter(pure water) and all sorts of things.

The Ibom plaza is the most lively place in Uyo metropolis.In the evenings, the Ibom plaza is a place to behold, the water fountain and the lighting all give a pleasing sight within the Ibom plaza, there are bars/drinking parlours, restaurants and a great sit out for lovers to hangout, little meetings even take place here.

If you are a visitor to Uyo the capital of Akwa Ibom state and you have not been to the plaza or passed by then you need to pay it a visit, or you are just up for sightseeing, don't you think Ibom plaza is worthy of mention amongst those places?

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