Sunday, January 3, 2016

5 steps to get your chicken defeathered like a Pro.

Chicken, its only palatable for some people after it has been cooked and ready to be eaten but the process of getting to that stage is what so many cannot stand, moi for example.

This Christmas was the first time I have actually stood to watch the process, I have always ran far far away when its time for killing of the chicken but this Christmas I don't know where I got the courage to watch it..

 My kids decided that they'd rather visit grandma for the Christmas than what I had planned for them.

Grateful for that, after the Christmas service at the church we headed for our hometown which is just a 20 minute drive.

On arrival, after exchanging of pleasantries with relatives, my usual self I went to the kitchen, there was no one there, so I decided to check the backyard, OMG the slaughtering of the Christmas Chicken. Thank God I didn't meat the squeaking  and feather flapping of the chicken as it struggled to free tself.
 Even though I came after the neck had been cut off, that means I missed the scariest part or should I say the part that scares me, but at least you will still know how to get the defeathered chicken found in cold rooms,when we go to buy frozen chicken..winks.

Things needed:
Big Basin
Hot water(boiling point)
Sharp knife
Chopping wood(ajiok)
Plantain leaves or whatever you can to place on the ground against blood spills.

Step1: Missed that.Thank God
Step 2: put the beheaded chicken in hot water

Step 3: After like 2-3 minutes, start plucking the feathers off the chicken. The hot water is to make the feathers come off easily. Be fast about it, and it depends on the breed of the chicken.The skin of the chicken might start coming off, so its best you remove the chicken from the hot water and defeather.

Step 4: place the defeather chicken on the plaintain leaves or whatever you have that will not allow blood to stain the floor.

Tada! You get your chicken but its not finished. Now to the part for those with experience. 
Step 5: cut out the two legs, starting at the tight, oh OK drumsticks . cut it out like in the photo below.
Be careful here, there is something inside the chicken that is bitter, not bitter Like bitter leaf but worse if it breaks. The whole chicken will be affected and that means nobody can eat the chicken even if you wash with all the water in the world, or maybe am yet to hear of a way to get such bitter taste off.

That's it, remove the intestine paying attention to the greenish thing very close to the intestine. After removing it slowly, you can isolate it and finish the cutting of the chicken before attending to that part.

Now the question is do you prefer getting a live chicken or getting frozen chicken? You can send in your answers to or use the comment space provided.

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