Thursday, April 7, 2016


According to my sister, google it, or she'd say google should be your friend, and so I took that advice. If I need to do something and am stuck at how to go about it, I just google for answers.
The internet is a wealth of knowledge, there is so much that it can help you achieve.
Well I needed bottles to store oil, I mean red oil(palm oil) but the bottles I got were shampoo bottles. The seller said I could wash it and use but I was sceptical because of the smell of the shampoo in the plastic bottles affecting the oil, so I thought of how to get rid of the smell that defied washing with hot water.

Google came to the rescue but not all information gotten from the internet actually works in real life, that was an opportunity to find out.
I started surfing the net on how to get rid of smell/odour from plastic bottles, I came across so many options but decided to try out the easiest.

Some options of getting rid of the shampoo smell in the bottles involved using some form of chemical substance which requires spending some good money to buy and I was not ready to do away with any money just to get rid of the smell from the bottles when I would have rather bought brand new bottles.
So I took a look in my pantry to see if I had some of the things mentioned , yes I had Like two available things which are the newspaper and baking soda otherwise called bicarbonate of soda.

I started with the newspaper, I crumbled pieces of newspaper and put it inside the bottles and closed the lid, I left it for approximately 6hours, by the time I opened the bottles, I removed the crumbled newspaper, do u know what I discovered? The paper had absorbed the smell of the shampoo from the bottles, I was a bit disappointed though as I could still smell the shampoo faintly, should I have left the newspapers a little longer or the newspaper was not enough? Well I didn't have that patience to wait, so I decided to make use of the baking soda.

I filled the bottles with water, i dropped in 3teaspoons of baking soda and covered the lid, then I shook the bottles and left it for a day, the following day I poured out the liquid, to my amazement that faint smell of shampoo had vanished totally.
It worked, so when next you have bottles or anything with smells you don't gbadun just try this methods I used, tested and trusted. 

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