Friday, April 22, 2016



I bumped into an old classmate of mine on one of my trips out of time and my oh my what i saw on her was a sorry sight. She had like dark/red patches on her face, she wore a sleeveless silk blouse which made her arms so obvious and you won't help but stare and wonder. I lowered my eyes in a discreet manner to peep at her upper arms close to her armpit, it was an eye sore, snake -like veins stretched through and was red and disgusting to look at.
I thought of a better way to bring up her skin issue without making her self conscious mind her or embarrassing her. So I decided to ask her what she does for a living, she told me she is into catering, so I also told her am in training to open my own spa. She didn't quite understand what I meant by spa. I had to explain, yes! that was the opportunity I was looking for, so I told her its about skincare, if you have problems with your skin, I handle every issue or concerns of the skin.
So I ask her what cream she uses, she told me she combines a tube cream with another cream, permit me not to mention it here. I asked her if she is comfortable with the way her skin was, she replied that the person that told her to use it said that's how the cream reacts at first then later it would stabilize and give her a glowing skin.
I couldn't but giggle at such ignorance, I told her, if she doesn't want to develop skin cancer she better stop using that cream.

I had to be blunt about it though, I told her how irritating her skin was, and it would scare people away from her. I didn't need talk much because  she knew I was telling the truth, I told her to try Aloe Vera gel,
It's perfect for treating most skin problems. It works on hyperpigmentation by encouraging the skin to regenerate new skin cells. As the new skin cells form, the old ones are sloughed off, leaving a fresh, new area free of the unsightly dark spots. Additionally, it adds moisturizing and cleansing properties that leave the skin looking and feeling fresh and rejuvenated.
I told her to look for it and use consistently for a month then let me know how far the healing has gone.

How to treat sunburn skin with aloe Vera
You want to get rid of dark patches on the skin using
aloe vera, you can simply use a freshly picked leaf.
1. Cut a freshly picked aloe vera leaf
2. Rinse it with water
3. Squeeze out some gel
4. Apply the gel onto the dark spots on your face or skin(preferably at night)
5. Leave it to rest for a few minutes (about 30) then rins off with tepid water or rinse off the following morning using mild soap.
6. Repeat the procedure everyday for about a month, depending on individuals' skin, improvement is noticeable between 2-3weeks.Instead of spending loadz of money on expensive creams that have harmful chemicals which can spoil the skin, why not try natural products especially plants extract, such as aloe Vera, you could even plant it in a flower pot or in a little garden, it will grow whether rain or shine. I use it as a moisturizer. Tell us about your experience with aloe Vera, was it helpful or not?

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