Monday, April 11, 2016

Benefits of house chores on children

The road to getting children to do chores is not an easy one but its worth the try and very beneficial to them in the long run.
Experience has shown that children who have a set of chores assigned to them are better able to deal with frustration and have higher self esteem and are more responsible.

Parents should at an earlier age introduce doing house chores to their children, it will only help them in the long run, you as a parent should not feel guilty making your children engage in house chores, or you might feel they are still so young to take on responsibilities, you should know their capabilities at a certain age and the appropriate chores to assign them.

Chores such as, pick up toys (even if you didn’t make the mess!) on the living room floor, make your beds etc, the family and they begin to see themselves as a very important contributors to their family. Children should be held accountable for their chores, this can increase their sense of  responsibility and prepare them for more responsibility as they grow up.

By assigning chores to your children, you are teaching them skills of every day living.For parents who did not begin a chore plan when their children were younger,its not too late to help your kid
Your home truly is the training ground for the playground, the classroom, and the workplace. The expectations that you demand will set the stage for
how well your child adjusts to the expectations outside of the home.


itoro said...

I started teaching my little one how to puck his plate after eating at the age of 3.Hr felt kind of happy he was working.

Utibe. said...

It is good that children learn from a young age to tidy up.

Utibe. said...

It is good that children learn from a young age to tidy up.

Exclusive Uyai said...

Yes, its very benefial in the long run, though you start with little chores that suits their capabilities, and let your young children be around you when you are working.Thanks for the comments.